Sunday, August 22, 2010

My First Blog

In my past life I was the worst cook ever.  I am ashamed to admit that my go-to meal to make for my family
was fish sticks.  Oh I thought I was so creative because I would vary it up every now and then.  Fish sticks and mac and cheese one night.  Fish sticks and tater tots the next time.  It was a horrible existence that we were living.  I would also get creative with the sauces.  I mean you can't just eat ketchup with everything.  So sometimes if I wanted to make dinner special I would mix ketchup with ranch dressing.  Man, we were living the good life on those nights.   I'm  just glad that my children were so young that they may not remember the torture their own mother put them through.  Although, my youngest daughter does have an odd fascination for ranch dressing.  As for the husband, well he divorced me,  but I don't think fish sticks were the ONLY reason.  Oh well that was a past life.  Fast forward a decade (or more) and now I am trying to live a healthy life.  Fish sticks have been replaced with broiled talipia over lemons and the most amazing salmon patties I have ever tasted.  My teenage daughters have yet to jump onto the health train, but they are getting more of a variety of foods now than ever before.  

So here's to my journey into a healthy new lifestyle. 

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