Well that all may have happened if I ever learned how you use the damn thing. I strap in on for every run. It is set to tell me how long I have run, how far I have run and the average pace I am running. It has over 20 options to program what you want your watch to tell you. I never switch the options. A friend from my running group programed it for me and thats where it stays. Someone will always ask me a questions I should know the answer to with the click of a button.
"What's our pace right now Kat?" Huh?
"I don't know. Do you want to take my watch and figure it out? All I know is the average of our run is slow."
"Why are you so slow Kat?"
"Because I can't figure my Garmin out"
It was supposed to make me magically faster.
The Garmin must of had all it can take of me because it is not behaving anymore. It was trying to get a GPS signal for the entire time of my last run. How long was that you ask. I don't know! Because the damn thing couldn't tell me. It was mocking me, saying Acquiring Signal. I mean where are all the dang blasted satellites when you need them. Come on, it's not 2012. The world is not ending. The satellites are still up there right? Nothing blocking the air between the wrist my Garmin is stapped to and the satellites. I don't even try to get a signal on my block. I run out of all the trees before I turn the blasted thing on. I was surrounded by nothing but cornfields. Maybe there were aliens hiding in the corn. Secretly waiting there for the lonely runner to pass by. So they could have some fun and scramble the satellite signal. And just totally mess up said runner, because they read her mind and knew she has as addition to that funny looking technology box on her wrist.
It's true I am addicted to my Garmin. And it's really messing me up that it's messing up. Yeah I don't know how to work the training assistant option. I have never even dared to figure out the navigation mode. I did recently learn that I can switch the settings from running to biking. That was such a frigin cool discovery. I am trying to bike a lot more because I want to try a tri next year. I used to track my route with my car first to figure the distance, then I would bike it. Duh, what a dork! Needless to say I love the cycling option on the Garmin.
If only the watch worked. As I am sitting here typing, my Garmin is in the window Acquiring Signal. BTW, my daughter's Garmin is working perfectly fine. I may just have to steal (I mean borrow) it from her.

Happy Trails My Friends,
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